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Art Barn Consent Form
In the event of illness or any accident requiring emergency medical treatment of the child(ren) listed below, I authorize Elizabeth Swalwell to contact medical authorities to provide treatment. (ie: call 911)
I understand that the Art Barn Studio accepts no responsibility for personal loss or injury caused other than by their own negligence during attendance at the Art Barn Studio.
I confirm that I am aware that the Art Barn Studio Staff has a duty to report suspected child abuse or neglect.
The Art Barn accepts no responsibility for damage to or loss of personal items brought along to the Art Barn Studio.
I have read and accept the above conditions for leaving my child(ten) in the care of the Art Barn Studio (Elizabeth Swalwell)
permission is granted for (name of student) : ____________________________________________
to attend a class at the Art Barn Studio on (date):_________________________________________
Signed by Elizabeth Swalwell___________________________________________________________
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